PIC16F877A PWM example with CCS PI…. The microcontroller PIC16F877A has two CCP modules and with these modules we can generate two PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals PWM1 related with CCP1 and PWM2 related with CCP2. Both PWM modules use Timer2 to generate signals which means the two modules will have the same frequency. This topic shows how to use PIC16F877A PWM modules using CCS PIC C compiler.
Web The last CCS command is the PWM duty cycle command: set_pwm1_duty(value); PIC18F4550 PWM +ADC example: This example shows how to use the digital value of the analog reading to set the duty cycle of the PWM signal. This example uses two analog channels AN0 and AN1 and the two CCP modules CCP1 and CCP2 to control the brightness of two LEDs connected to RC2 (CCP1 output) and RC1 (CCP2 output) as shown in the following circuit schematic:
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